Continuing a Student Club or Organization


An established student club or organization that has remained active at Fullerton College for one or more semesters and wishes to continue club activities into the next semester.


  1. Open this fillable PDF link and type your information directly on your Internet browser: Club and Organization Roster Form. Then print out the document and collect signatures from your officers and/or advisors as needed. If you require more space for members, use this form: Roster Form Extra Sign-Up Sheet. 
  2. If needed, revise the club/organization constitution. The Club Constitution Template may be used as a reference. Older versions of club constitutions can be retrieved from the Student Center upon request. This revised club/organization constitution will be submitted to Student Life and Leadership then to Associated Students for review and approval.
  3. Bring an updated Club and Organization Roster Form and, if applicable, the revised Club/Organization Constitution to the Student Center (Rm 214, Bldg 200) for review.


The parameters for these instructions are under the jurisdiction of the past InterClub Council constitution and will remain true until the end of the Spring 2024 semester. InterClub Council is under reconstruction and an updated constitution will take effect next fiscal year. Currently registered clubs and related parties will receive updates on the progress of Inter-Club Council periodically.